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Thank you for a great first visit
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Feb 17, 2024
Ey!! Thanks, Albert! You were running that filthy Tiamat deck, right?? Never seen dragons ramp so hard before. Was a blast playing with ya.
Look forward to having you back around, and thank you so much for the kind words 🙏 They mean a lot to us.
Much love, dude!
Day 12 - The 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 11 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 25, 2023
Day 11's winner, a man with an AMAZING name, congratulations @andrew.higuera
Day 10 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 24, 2023
Day 10's winner is @James !!
Whoop whoop! Congrats dude 🤘
Day 9 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 8 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 8 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 7 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 6 - 12 Days of Dice-Mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 20, 2023
Today's winner is none other than @Christopher Saldivar !!
Congrats dude!!
Day 5 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 4 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 18, 2023
Another day, another winner!!
Congratulations @Scarlet 🦖🦕 !!
Day 3 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 17, 2023
Coming from the south, the deep south, our winner today is @Satan in a Woman’s Body !
We gotta work on that name, friend. Lol
Congrats and your die will be waiting for you at the shop!
Day 2 - 12 Days of Dice-mas!
In Guildhall Gossip
Day 2 - 12 Days of Dice-mas!
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 16, 2023
And the winner for Day 2 is @Catashtrophie !!!
Apologies to a few of you that got in a little late.
Remember! The entries CLOSE after midnight, day of!
Day 1 - 12 Days of Dice-mas
In Guildhall Gossip
Drew Denis
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
Dec 15, 2023
Congratulations @Catherine !!
Your dice are ready for you, when you are! :)
Drew Denis
Captain of awesome
Dungeon Master Lvl 1
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