Hey everyone I am sure everyone knows by now but the commander rules committee resigned and WOTC is taking over the rules for better or for worse. I included their pictures below. I am not here to talk about the politics of commander or wether mana crypt should be banned. I am here to talk about people which is what fuels our game.
The committe broke up for many reasons but one of them I heard is because of the backlash they recieved for the recent bans. Some of that feed back included death threats to the members and their families, which is horrible. Just a horrible thing to do to another human being.
The rules committee were not a paid organization. They were a group of volunteers that just want to bring order to a game we all love which is a near impossible task. And they paid for…
I think there could have been a more comprehensive, nuanced solution than the bans. Even though I don't play these cards. The idea behind the bracket system that I saw where just one "CEDH" card would mean your entire deck is Bracket 4 deck doesn't seem like a great idea. A points system where certain cards receive a point value that your deck can't exceed seems more reasonable. And nuanced. Sports have different league levels, like Football: Pop Warner, Junior Varsity, Varsity, Collegiate (with different tiers within that), and then even different levels of pro leagues. A flavor for everyone.